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Why women are crabby : The Email Joke Graveyard – StumbleUpon

National Museum, Sukiennice

Image via Wikipedia

Why women are crabby : The Email Joke Graveyard – StumbleUpon. Well not surprisingly the men in the comments don’t agree and I am one of them. I wrote this in response:

Why Women should be glad who they are

Why do you think that most sex change operations are men seeking to become women? Because men have such a wonderful life? Or is it because they feel deep down that being female is who they feel themselves to be.

You skip the most important parts of being a woman. It isn’t having pain or of the stages of a woman’s life. You forget that women get to experience the miracle of life and birth, a privilege that many men would love to be able to experience even with the pain.

You don’t mention that women can have close female relationships and are free from many of the same societal expectations men face. You forget to mention that men die sooner, have shorter lives, and have a higher rate of disease. Men are clearly weaker in many ways, and our shorter lives prove it.

Women experience multiple orgasms easier than men can. Some men can do it, but it is comparatively rare compared to women. Women have mating opportunities in numbers that men only dream about. Even good-looking, smart or great men don’t get the same kind of approaching that even an average women gets. Be honest. Even ugly women can get a boyfriend, when often men who possess multiple admirable qualities do not.

It is the easiest thing to focus on the pain in life, but try to remember what the joys of being a woman are. Try not to forget that if gender were a choice the numbers would be far different. Try to realize that it is the inner person who chooses to enjoy life, not the details of whatever body you were born into.

Rainbow in the car

highway-rainbow-nicklen-696533-sw.jpg from – StumbleUpon. This is a charming rainbow photo. It looks like the car is the pot of gold at the end doesn’t it?

YouTube – – Steve Martin

YouTube – – Steve Martin. How does Steve Martin think of this? Pure genius.

Ode to comedy

Photo of Richard Pryor.

Image via Wikipedia

What is funny is Bill Maher, George Carlin and Richard Pryor,

They brought the art form so much higher.

Eddie Izzard, Sam Kinison, and Johnny Carson of course,

Took the reins and really rode that horse.

What I love are situations unexpected and true.

Like when Steve Martin had the call on Johnny Carson from you know who.

Or when Richard Pryor applied for a job,

With a white interviewer who was more than a nob.

The funniest things in life show how ridiculous things are,

That loving behavior can be so near and so far.

Cresting wave in the ocean

Photography-by-Aaron-Feinberg-photography-aaron-feinberg-1280×720.jpg from… – StumbleUpon. This is pretty cool. I wonder if this smooths out the rocks below?

How to Bypass Megavideo Time Limit

How to Bypass Megavideo Time Limit. I used to watch Megavideo before getting Netflix. It was always annoying to wait an hour before continuing with a show. If I had known that wasn’t necessary I would have watched even more. Oh well.

Sorry folks. I tried all 3 methods plus another website called and none of those tricks worked. I was not alone in having problems with those suggestions. It tracks you by the IP address from your ISP so I would assume that if you wanted to spoof your address, or use another proxy/anonymizer this wouldn’t be an issue. Still it isn’t worth it for me.

YouTube Guide: Best YouTube Tips, Hacks and Resources – StumbleUpon

Youtube high low

Image via Wikipedia

YouTube Guide: Best YouTube Tips, Hacks and Resources – StumbleUpon. Some good resources and answers if you are a heavy YouTube user. I really appreciate lists that have summaries of the available information like this.

Emotional Photography by Steve McCurry – StumbleUpon

Emotional Photography by Steve McCurry – StumbleUpon. Touching photos.