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Apple Lied: Filed Patent for Mobile Device Tracking – StumbleUpon

MR Jedi Mind Trick Ride

Image by seanbonner via Flickr

Apple Lied: Filed Patent for Mobile Device Tracking – StumbleUpon. Well this really makes Mr. Jobs statements seem particularly devious. “These are not the facts that you are looking for” said with a Jedi mind trick.

Pay for computer functionality – A modular approach

Graph of typical Operating System placement on...

Image via Wikipedia

A Single Pirated Software License Was Used 775,000 Times In 200 Countries.  You know what would be cool?  If we could only pay for the parts of programs we use.  Like a central registry that downloaded modules as we needed them.  Of course this would be a privacy nightmare, but it would be a better value.

It is ridiculous sometimes when people buy software like Adobe Suite and only use a small fraction of its power.  Yes they are buying potential power, but practically they are only using part of it.  So why charge them for everything?  Do we charge someone the entire menu when they go to eat at a restaurant?  We only charge them what they can consume.  Most people don’t consume enough of their software to make the purchase worth it.  So to them, getting it for free makes more economic sense then paying for the parts they use.

As far as utilities, those should be built into the operating system.  If a system can’t maintain itself, that is a fault of the designer of that system.  An Operating system that isn’t resilient isn’t much of a system is it?  It is more like an experiment with a bad design.

I bet if you started prices of applications like the iOS store at under $10 people would buy for main applications.  With in app purchases you could allow them to buy advanced functionality.  Isn’t it more than a little silly that we have “lite” and “advanced” versions of the same software?  Why not have the same codebase and only unlock what we need?

Yes there is the chance of reverse engineering and people cracking it, but there is piracy now.  Isn’t it possible that the costs of consolidating more than offset the attempt to stem piracy?  More importantly if people do crack it and find they need the advanced version, isn’t it possible that eventually they might buy it?  Piracy is probably done by people who have limited resources and nothing is forever.  Even if people don’t have an economic justification, (and I’m not saying that is a helpful reason), no one gets paid 100% for their work.  How many famous people throughout history were not fairly compensated for their work.  Is our society better or worse because of their effort?

Our society needs some kind of resource strategy and payment, but it seems since the virtual economy has appeared that a new strategy is needed.  Micro-payments seem to work well.  It seems like a more fair way to make things affordable and focused.  It still helps to have a freemium model for those who have limited budgets.  Right now there are 40 million americans living in poverty.   What is fair to everyone?  I don’t know, but bloated overpriced software seems like it has had its day and piracy is one way for the public to acknowledge that.


RIAA Misfires, Grazes Lance Ulanoff

Recording Industry Association of America

Image via Wikipedia

RIAA Misfires, Grazes Lance Ulanoff  Is covering the news implicitly condoning illegal behavior?  I think news has to have the freedom to publish everything without repercussions.  Even false and slanderous things need to be said to preserve the important work of the 4th estate.



Microsoft And Their Never Ending Battle Against Piracy

WELCOME TO Microsoft®

Image via Wikipedia

Microsoft And Their Never Ending Battle Against Piracy.  So at what point do these people become customers?  I could see letting the first offense be forgiven, but multiple offenses for non poor people should had a consequence.


My Sony Reader (via Peek Inside My Mind)

Detailed review of his experiences with this reader.

My Sony Reader It’s been a month since I got my Sony Reader PRS-600BC. Initially I wanted to go for Amazon Kindle but its price tag put me off. I had to do a lot of research online, comparing features and reading reviews, before I chose Sony. I faced some difficulty trying to decide which one suits me the best and I perceived the lack of proper advice/recommendation as a source of frustration. There were more than a few options available in the market with attr … Read More

via Peek Inside My Mind

File Sharing on Macs

File Sharing on Macs.  Nice step by step.